I feel pretty!
Progress!Last week we finished the last of the sanding upstairs. A marathon effort over new years allowed us to have paint on the walls on the 1st and color shortly there after! aside from the usual fun fumes the painting went quite smoothly. Unfortunately there a re a few drywall blemishes that show through, but we've taken the stance that anyone who points them out will be thrown off the roof and as such there is really no problem with the drywall blemishes that anyone will notice.

As usual in our process we've found a few heros and a few zeros when it comes to tools and supplies. The first surprizing zero is Ace's PVA drywall primer the stuff is like skim milk and doesn't really seal much of anything. Two coats still leave a mostly transparent sheen on the wall. Instead we prefer Kilz (the kilz 2 with the blue label), it coats completely in one application and seals shut a lot of little dimples and imperfections in joint compound.
The real winner of the day is the lightweight spackle from Red Devil. This stuff rocks in a huge way. First it smells like amonia so it keeps the mice and bugs away. More importantly it's super easy to work with and does a fabulous job of filling little holes and leveling out all of the things you thought you sanded but aparently didn't sand when you were doing the joint compound. the stuff is cheap, easy, smooth and easy - all things we like. Did we mention easy?
The loser of the day is (again) the damn wagner power painter sprayer thing that has been a piece of crap from the day it came home. If you're thinking about a power sprayer, don't get one. A roller is three times faster, wastes 62 times less paint, is 5000 times quieter (who would have thunk that the sprayer sounded like a jackhammer) and at least 10 times easier to clean. The only use for the power sprayer is impressionist painting, or perhaps if you have a burning desire for frustration and walls with random coverage and lots of big ugly globs of paint.
up next, carpet! hooray!
You guys are my heros! When you finish your home, there is one in Soddy-Daisy, TN that could use your attention & expertise.
Nice work you two. The only home improvements I've managed to do is install a couple of in ceiling speakers and order a dishwasher to be delivered in another 2 weeks.
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