What happened to March?
Aparently the blogger gnomes have failed to do their jobs late at night and create updates for our loyal readers (both of you).so it's April and we're about 25 days away from having the dump for a year. That also puts us about 25 days away from the goal of being done. someone send help.
Here recently we've installed the upstairs shower pan and enclosure. and insulated everything. This past weekend was full of work but strangely it doesn't really look like anything got done.

Part of the fun involved our new vaulted kitchen ceiling. We did the plumbing upstairs and checked for leaks at least 459 times and found nothing. Unfortunately we had to do a little persuasion as we installed the shower and likely cracked somethign that was going to crack anyway. The result was a very slow drip that materialized only after we closed everything up. Mark discovered a fun little puddle of water in the kitchen several days later. This lead to an immediate vaulted ceiling project and we now have rustic exposed beams over the fridge and ceiling that's about 5.25 inches higher...at least until we put the drywall back up. we're thankful that the leak was tiny and happened before the new cabinets went in.
speaking of new cabinets, we've lost our living room. Ikea pulled through in a big way and delivered our new cabinets way ahead of schedule. Good deal, except we don't have anywhere to put them. At the same time we took delivery of 800lbs of tile and grout for the kitchen. Once those two projects get in we'll really have something to show for ourselves. Unfortunately they can't happen until the upstairs bathroom gets done.

stay tuned for more and for photos of the fun, same bat time same bat channel.
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