Pictures, Pictures, Pictures!

You would think that if anyone could get some pictures of their house to go with the house blog it would be the photographer who lives in the house. That just goes to show that you shouldn't think. If public school taught you anything you'd already know this.
For those of you who haven't seen anything here's a recent shot, along with a quick shot or two (courtesy of Jen) from the first of many attempts at buying our house.

Here's a shot from the outside. It already looks better and worse. The vegitation has been encouraged back into some semi-normal form and the evil thorn tree has been pruned to be slightly less evil. Unfortunately some idiot (who may or may not be the aforementioned photographer) got spray foam all over the window casement. The new paint looks good, the foam reminds you we're still in the ghetto.

A shot of the upstairs full of crap and finished out...we don't even have walls up there now :( of course, we don't have cat and mystery stains on the carpet either.
We have completely gutted the basement since moving in and it is now awaiting a new furnace, new wiring, and of course new flooring and walls.

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