movin right along

This weekend we decided that our nice open living room just wasn't what we wanted. We miss teh obstacle course after so many months of cabinets, tile, lumber and no one knows what else in the living room. To make ourselves feel more at home we opened a new can of worms (an old dusty can). Now the living room is properly cluttered again.
This weekend we hauled all of the crap out of the office and threw it around the living room. We've got the drywall patching done and much of the office painted. There's still some pretty pink trim that needs to make the transition to white and a few dents and dings in the ceiling, but we're on the way. This week should bring more painting and before long we'll be putting up crown moulding. Once the walls are painted we'll get the desk top in and some shelves.

Other recent projects include the addition of electricity to one side of the living/dining area and the starts of the wiring for the rest of the space. That shouldn't be a tough project but it does involve one or more trips into the depths of the crawl space. We'll wait for the triple digit temps to go down a bit before going back in there.
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